
Each month, we shift our focus on another aspect of taking action for transformation: personal, ecological, aesthetic, cultural, economic and social. 

The events are free of charge (donations welcome) and open for everyone. Check out the individual event descriptions to see where you need to register beforehand. Location from end of November & December: online (Zoom).

MONTH #1 - July

Local Projects & Personal Sustainability

19:30 - 21:00 Panke Culture | Outdoor Area (Hof V, Gerichtstraße 23, 13347 Berlin)

Project Presentations: Personal Sustainability

Join us for a series of short project presentations by a string of social, ecological and cultural local projects.

Each speaker will share their project’s current state, learnings, needs, resources and strategies. Following the month's focus theme, we asked them to reflect on “personal sustainability” within their projects: Where are they at personally? What did they learn from the pandemic about personal sustainability? How can we step up our personal actions to combat climate change and accelerate positive transformation?

  • SuperCoop - Better Together: Why community entrepreneurship is important for sustainability.
  • Vagabund Brauerei - Sessionable Crisis Healing: The brewery's journey through the pandemic and personal crisis.
  • Bits & Bäume Berlin - Why we need sustainable digitization.
  • Baumhaus Berlin - Why we need volunteers to be present.

We’ll gather in Panke Culture’s outdoor space (the same address as Baumhaus, but in the back building). The setting is open and informal (no power point). We’re looking forward to reconnecting, reflecting on and sharing our experiences and strategies after a long pause of events. If you have trouble finding us, call Karen: 0176-7856-6593.

Eventbrite Registration:
Entrance is free, but seating is limited so please register here

Karen Wohlert Karen Wohlert Co-Founder Baumhaus Berlin
Patty Luzina Patty Luzina Bits & Bäume Berlin
Beatrice Walthall Beatrice Walthall Researcher @ ZALF, Vagabund Brauerei
Johanna Kühner Johanna Kühner Co-Initiator of SuperCoop Berlin
19:30 - 21:00 Panke Culture | Outdoor Area (Hof V, Gerichtstraße 23, 13347 Berlin)

Teach-In: Dynamic Balance and the Inner Commons

The Inner Commons is an intuitively understandable, flexible and contextual framework that can be used to catalyze a process of self understanding and resolving common issues we all deal with.

The concepts discussed in this workshop are based on simple, root level, universal experiences of the human condition and common sense. Because of this, insights that participants gain about themselves can provide insights to understanding and resolving issues with others as well. If you have trouble finding us, call Karen: 0176-7856-6593.

Event Registration
Entrance is free, but seating is limited so please register here

Please bring a notebook and something to write with

Scott Bolden Scott Bolden Sustainable Solutions Designer, Baumhaus
19:30 - 21:00 Panke Culture | Outdoor Area (Hof V, Gerichtstraße 23, 13347 Berlin)

Teach-In: Cultivate Your Resilience

Learn how to navigate life's changes and challenges!

The last year has shown us that life is unpredictable and can change quickly and dramatically. Unexpected and undesired changes can feel very uncomfortable and sometimes be painful.

What if you learned how to get through difficulties and uncertainties with more confidence and inner strength? To bounce back from these unexpected changes more rapidly?

In this workshop, we will have the opportunity to:

  • Discover the 7 pillars of resilience

  • Learn simple and effective tools to develop your resilience on a daily basis

  • Ask questions and discuss the topic
If you have trouble finding us, call Karen: 0176-7856-6593.

Eventbrite Registration:
Entrance is free, but seating is limited so please register here

Please bring something to take notes with and be ready to sit comfortably for the duration of the session.

Elise Magnin Elise Magnin Life & Business Coach

19:30 - 21:00 Panke Culture | Outdoor Area (Hof V, Gerichtstraße 23, 13347 Berlin)

Campfire Stories: Special Guest: Amy Phillips, Grrl Gang Berlin

During lockdown Amy was able to dedicate some of her personal time to launching her own community project, "Grrl Gang Berlin". Telling the stories of the womxn and non-binary folks who had supported her own personal development and growth intending to uplift those people, their projects and connect them with each other. This experience opened her eyes to a new purpose with which to apply her digital marketing skills.

In this sharing session, Amy shares perspectives on how the pandemic helped her accelerate positive transformation on a personal level, on a professional level and on a wider community level in Berlin. This is an opportunity to get to know her, she will gladly answer questions about her process and journey.

Circle members will also be invited to share their experiences in these areas in the hopes that we can inspire and learn from each other. There will be prompts and a mix of short personal and group exercises to create space for reflection and promote a dialogue between attendees. As this is a safe space, everyone is invited to participate however they wish - come join the conversation or simply sit with us and listen. If you have trouble finding us, call Karen: 0176-7856-6593.

Eventbrite Registration
Entrance is free, but seating is limited so please register here

Amy Phillips Amy Phillips Founder, Grrl Gang Berlin

MONTH #2 - August

Local Projects & Ecological Sustainability

19:30 - 21:00

Teach-In: Mitmachen beim Klima-Volksbegehren Berlin 2030

Volksbegehren sind ein Mittel der direkten Demokratie, d.h. so kann direkt an der Gesetzgebung mitgewirkt werden. Die Berliner Bürgerinitiative "Klimaneustart Berlin" hat jetzt mit einem breiten Bündnis das Volksbegehren "Berlin 2030" gestartet - mit dem Ziel, Berlin bis 2030 klimaneutral zu machen. Oder genauer: das Berliner Energiewendegesetz dementsprechend zu ändern. Aktuell gilt für das Land Berlin das Ziel, die Stadt bis 2050 klimaneutral zu gestalten. Das reicht natürlich bei Weitem nicht aus, wenn Berlin einen "fairen" Beitrag zum Klimaschutz leisten soll. Als erste Etappe des Volksbegehrens geht es jetzt darum, mindestens 20.000 Unterschriften zu sammeln... Wie funktioniert ein Volksbegehren? Wie geht das Bündnis vor? Was ist konkret zu tun? Und vor allem: Wie können wir mitmachen und am besten unterstützen? Ein Teach-In mit einer Vertreterin von Klimaneustart Berlin.

Eventbrite Registration:
Entrance is free, but seating is limited so please register here

Anne Nemack Anne Nemack Activist Klimaneustart Berlin
19:30 - 21:00 Panke Culture | Outdoor Area

Teach In: How to #Kiezblock & the Wandering Livable Streetspace

How can we take action to transform our streets? Learn about #Kiezblocks and Wandering Liveable Streetspace (WLS), two hand-in-hand campaigns supported by Changing Cities e.V.

With #Kiezblocks, Changing Cities is introducing a concept to Berlin which has been quite successful in other European Cites like London, Barcelona or Gent before. The idea is as simple as compelling: ban the through-traffic from residential neighourhoods and thus make your quarter more attractive for cyclists and pedestrians - with less space for cars and more space for people.

Jakob Schwarz, #Kiezblock Agent for the district of Mitte will explain how #Kiezblocks work exactly and what you need to do in order to get one for yourself.

While there are already over 50 local #Kiezblock-initiatives in Berlin, the project WLS is still in its early stages. WLS-Co-Initiator Kai Siefke explains how it all started:

In August 2020, Katja Pfeiffer and Kai Siefke began to further develop an idea, which first came to them in 2008 and goes hand in hand with the concept of #Kiezblocks: the Wandering Livable Streetspace.

The basic idea is to remove parked cars in a street for a period of four weeks or longer and convert the street into a green space for people to meet. In doing so, we step away from always thinking of street space in the dimensions of a car. We then re-envision the street into a space that takes on a new life of its own; a space that people can design to match the needs of their everyday life.

Afterwards, the neighbourhood can decide whether they want to try to keep it as a permanent solution or revert it back into a regular street. After the four week period is up, we would then move on to the next street to give as many people as possible the opportunity to experience it. This would also allow us to understand what works in a certain space and what doesn’t before undertaking any permanent reconstruction.

At the moment, we are trying to get funding for a pilot module. A motion with a similar proposal has already been submitted to Pankow's district council. However, nothing will be decided before the elections in September.

Eventbrite Registration:
Entrance is free, but seating is limited so please register here

Jakob Schwarz Jakob Schwarz Kiezblock Agent for Changing Cities
Kai Siefke Kai Siefke primary school teacher
19:30 - 21:00 Panke Culture | Outdoor Area (Hof V, Gerichtstraße 23, 13347 Berlin)

Campfire Stories: Campfire Stories: Special Guest José Luis Vicente Vicente (PhD) from ZALF

Being an environmental scientist in times of a collapsing planet is not easy. The planetary crisis we are facing is getting worse much faster than the normal timing of the scientific works. Our planet is already collapsing and we do not have so much time to avoid the worst scenarios and, therefore, urgent radical solutions are needed.

In this Campfire Story, environmental scientist José Luis Vicente will tell us how he sees this unprecedented crisis, what solutions are already being implemented, which of them are really working, which are just greenwashing or counterproductive, and what solutions should be implemented as soon as possible.

If you have trouble finding us, call Karen: 0176-7856-6593.

Eventbrite Registration
Entrance is free, but seating is limited so please register here

José Luis Vicente Vicente José Luis Vicente Vicente PhD Environmental Sciences, Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF)
19:30 - 21:00 Panke Culture | Outdoor Area (Hof V, Gerichtstraße 23, 13347 Berlin)

Project Presentations: Ecological Sustainability

Join us for a series of short project presentations by a string of social, ecological and cultural local projects.

Each speaker will share their project’s current state, learnings, needs, resources and strategies. Following the month's focus theme, we asked them to reflect on “ecological sustainability” within their projects: Where are they at ecologically? What did they learn from the pandemic about ecological sustainability? How can we step up our ecological actions to combat climate change and accelerate positive transformation?

  • Climate Farmers - Regenerative Agriculture: Going Beyond Carbon
  • "Wo kommt dein Essen her?" - Was könnt ihr bei uns entdecken & wo geht die Reise hin?
  • AvantGardenLife - Self-Sufficient Herbalism & Food as Medicine
  • FoodSHIFT 2030 Berlin Lab - How Baumhaus is participating in an EU project for citizen driven food system change

We’ll gather in Panke Culture’s outdoor space (the same address as Baumhaus, but in the back building). The setting is open and informal (no power point). We’re looking forward to reconnecting, reflecting on and sharing our experiences and strategies after a long pause of events. If you have trouble finding us, call Karen: 0176-7856-6593.

Eventbrite Registration:
Entrance is free, but seating is limited so please register here

Anna Messerschmidt Anna Messerschmidt Koordinatorin Presse & Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
Fabio Volkmann Fabio Volkmann Product Manager Climate Farmers
Tash Tash Herbalist & Artist, AvantGardenLife
Karen Wohlert Karen Wohlert Co-Founder Baumhaus Berlin
19:00 - 21:00 Panke Culture | Outdoor Area (Hof V, Gerichtstraße 23, 13347 Berlin)

Teach-In: Learn How to Test Your Local Soil & Be Part of a Collective Berlin Mapping Experience

We are training volunteer Citizen Scientists who are keen to learn and help.

Soil analysis is necessary to design a regenerative edible landscape. Healthy soil is the basis for a healthy community, healthy people and a healthy environment.

Everybody is welcome to join without limits of age, sex, gender, cultural background and personal choices. No prior knowledge of the subject is needed. This workshop is part of a six-month soil workshop series (read more in the about section of the Eventbrite event). Our goal is to take the number of data points on the map to 100 by August!

Open Soil Atlas is a pilot project, launched in March 2021 and organised by the Feld Food Forest community. Funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program, it is an open-source co-learning centre for Berlin citizens.

If you have trouble finding us, call Karen: 0176-7856-6593.

Eventbrite Registration:
Entrance is free, but seating is limited so please register here

Please refer to the event description on Eventbrite for a detailed list of materials and tools that we ask participants to bring. You don’t have to bring everything, but the more we have to go around, the more tests we can do together.

Fabio Volkmann Fabio Volkmann Product Manager Climate Farmers
Fenja Freiin Grote Fenja Freiin Grote Culture and Art Studies (BA), Climate Activist
Liz Eve Liz Eve Communication Specialist, Photographer & Permaculture Designer
Sara Busnardo Sara Busnardo Architect (MA) & Sustainable Urban Designer

MONTH #3 - September

Local Projects & Aesthetic Sustainability

19:30 - 21:00 Panke Culture | Outdoor Area (Hof V, Gerichtstraße 23, 13347 Berlin)

Teach-In: The Four Elements Within & Without

The four elements — fire, earth, water and air — are very important in our lives. Without them life on earth wouldn't be possible. Both nature and also ourselves are an expression of the interplay of these four elements. We humans are as diverse and peculiar in our elemental composition as the various natural places.

Together we want to dive deeper into the qualities of the elements and what they mean to us. We want to explore in which way and which constellation they are present within us and in our lives. We find clues to our connection to the elements in our body, its movements, in our emotional and linguistic landscapes, as well as present life themes. Let's be curious together.

Eventbrite Registration
Seating is limited so please register here

Olivia Köhler Olivia Köhler Workshop Facilitator & Systemic Nature Therapist
19:30 - 21:00 Project Presentations

Project Presentations: Aesthetic Sustainability

Join us for a series of short project presentations by a string of social, ecological and cultural local projects.

Each speaker will share their project’s current state, learnings, needs, resources and strategies. Following the month's focus theme, we asked them to reflect on “aesthetic sustainability” within their projects: Where are we at, aesthetically? What can we learn from the pandemic about aesthetic sustainability? How can we step up our aesthetic actions to combat climate change and accelerate positive transformation in our neighborhoods, Berlin and beyond?

  • Badabaum - ‘Sustainable’ design and construction with nature’s own materials, and why it gets complicated…
  • Wir bauen Zukunft - The challenges of developing community-based business models
  • Dylan Lee Lowry: Project heals_pace + interdependent self-love - exploring new modes of healing, sharing, and taking care of ourselves
  • Clean River Project e.V.: PURES GOLD - Die Plastikmüllverschmutzung unserer Gewässer und wie aus Müll Kunst wird
We’ll gather in Panke Culture’s outdoor space (the same address as Baumhaus, but in the back building). The setting is open and informal (no power point). We’re looking forward to reconnecting, reflecting on and sharing our experiences and strategies after a long pause of events. If you have trouble finding us, call Karen: 0176-7856-6593.

Eventbrite Registration
Seating is limited so please register here

Henry Farkas Henry Farkas Event Management, Wir bauen Zukunft
Nils Jakob Moerkbak Nils Jakob Moerkbak Founder @ Badabaum
Dylan Lee Lowry Dylan Lee Lowry filmmaker
Franziska Braunschädel Franziska Braunschädel 2. Vorsitzende, Clean River Project e.V.
19:30 - 21:00 Panke Culture | Outdoor Area (Hof V, Gerichtstraße 23, 13347 Berlin)

Teach-In: Flow Meditation - A Deep Connective & Resonant Group Meditation

Flow is a state of being… an experience when you allow yourself to be 100% fully engaged in the present moment in a feedback loop between clarity and satisfaction. It is an undeniable sensation where things seem to be more effortless, pleasurable, in sync, and you can easily sense a connection with something greater than yourself.

This is what we will create:

  • a connected and mindful meditation where it is possible to blissfully surf the cutting edge of the present moment together…
  • a game where it’s possible to feel excited and calm in the same moment, and everyone can win as much as they like…
It is very easy to participate, no musical talent or training is required so anyone is welcome to join. Most of the session is done with eyes closed to avoid visual distractions and keep focus on the co-created sound space.

During these sessions we will also have special guest instrumental musicians, poets, writers and beat-boxers etc… If you would like to be a special guest, please send us a message.

If you have trouble finding us, call Karen: 0176-7856-6593.

Eventbrite Registration
Seating is limited so please register here

Scott Bolden Scott Bolden Sustainable Solutions Designer, Baumhaus
19:30 - 21:00 Panke Culture | Outdoor Area (Hof V, Gerichtstraße 23, 13347 Berlin)

Campfire Stories: Campfire Stories: Special Guest Filmmaker Jana Papenbroock

Join us for an evening with Jana, who will share her work in progress "Ecologies of Psychiatry".

The psyche and the environment are structurally linked, politics have direct psychic effects, hence psychiatry is a testing ground to debate the political and shape the environment. Geo-psychiatry started around the Catalan resistance fighter and anarcho-syndicalist psychiatrist François Tosquelles as a practice against fascism, and was later adapted as an anti-colonial strategy within institutional psychiatry by Frantz Fanon in Algeria as well as in Brazil for the decolonisation of the mind. Geo-psychiatry creates environments out of conditions of war, repression and migration. It formulates experimental anarcho-syndicalist societies against the state within a psychiatric framework.

After the input we're looking forward to dive into an open conversation. If you have trouble finding us, call Karen: 0176-7856-6593

Eventbrite Registration
Entrance is free, but seating is limited so please register here

Jana Papenbroock Jana Papenbroock Documentary Filmmaker

MONTH #4 - October

Local Projects & Cultural Sustainability

19:30 - 21:00 Das Baumhaus

Project Presentations: Cultural Sustainability

Join us for a series of short project presentations by a string of social, ecological and cultural local projects.

Each speaker will share their project’s current state, learnings, needs, resources and strategies. Following the month's focus theme, we asked them to reflect on “cultural sustainability” within their projects: Where are they at culturally? What did they learn from the pandemic about cultural sustainability? How can we step up our cultural actions to combat climate change and accelerate positive transformation?

  • Berlin Food Policy Council: Creating a Culturally Diverse Food Transition for All
  • Panke Culture: Club Culture in the Pandemic
  • Rise of the Evengers: A Call to Action

  • We’ll gather in Das Baumhaus. We’re looking forward to reconnecting, reflecting on and sharing our experiences and strategies.

    Note about Covid restrictions: As of October 2021, all EMB events will take place in Das Baumhaus where the 2-G rules apply. Hence, you must either be vaccinated or recovered to attend this talk.

    Eventbrite Registration: Entrance is free, but seating is limited so please register here

    Inka Lange Inka Lange Berlin Food Policy Council

    19:30 - 21:00 Das Baumhaus

    Building a Culture of Sustainability? Lessons from Eco-Communities with Olea Morris

    What does a “culture of sustainability” mean, and how can we build one? This Teach-In covers a few potential answers, drawing on my journey as a writer and researcher of sustainable communities. In 2019, I worked and lived in ecovillage communities throughout Mexico as an environmental anthropologist, hoping to learn how different communities put sustainability into practice.

    After I returned to Europe and after the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, I launched a project on virtual cultures of sustainability, “The Virtual Ecovillage project”, which included a Discord server, virtual tours, and online workshops for university students.

    Drawing on these experiences (and some lessons learned the hard way), I'll highlight a few key challenges, and ways to think about designing solutions. Together with listeners and participants, we’ll explore what kinds of cultural shifts are necessary to form sustainable communities, and how to begin putting them into practice.

    Note about Covid restrictions: As of October 2021, all EMB events will take place in Das Baumhaus where the 2-G rules apply. Hence, you must either be vaccinated or recovered to attend this talk.

    Eventbrite Registration: Entrance is free, but seating is limited so please register here

    Olea Morris Olea Morris Environmental Anthropologist
    19:30 - 21:00 Das Baumhaus

    Bubbles & Bacteria: A Deep Dive Talk on Fermentation with Alexis from Edible Alchemy

    Using our senses, taste, smell, audio, sight and touch, we will experience and learn about fermentation and how it can expand our worlds of taste, health and ecology. Bring your curious taste buds and your questions as we will open up the floor for more discussion on bacteria, yeast, mold and more.

    Note about Covid restrictions: As of October 2021, all EMB events will take place in Das Baumhaus where the 2-G rules apply. Hence, you must either be vaccinated or recovered to attend this talk.

    Eventbrite Registration: Entrance is free, but seating is limited so please register here

    Alexis Goertz Alexis Goertz Fermentation Expert (Edible Alchemy)
    19:30 - 21:00 Das Baumhaus

    Campfire Stories: How to run a crowdfunding campaign with Mónica Kisic Aguirre & Mia Mancini from Roots Radicals

    In this Campfire Story, you will meet Monica and Mia from Roots Radicals and learn about the story of their ongoing crowdfunding campaign.

    Starting with their circular cooking concept and mission, Monica and Mia will then steer the conversation towards why Roots decided to crowdfund and what the process of ideating and implementing the campaign looks like. They will point out the dos and don'ts as well as highs and lows, leaving you with a deep understanding of how to kickstart a crowdfunding campaign.

    The session will have an open format — a conversation between all participants with the intention of providing a space for exchange amongst local changemakers and Q&A on how to best run a crowdfunding campaign. The first and most important thing for a successful campaign is the crowd!

    #TakePart and support their campaign — you can choose a meaningful Christmas gift from their carefully developed rewards and support them on their mission to end food waste, taking part in a circular food system.

    Roots Radicals on Startnext
    Support the campaign here

    Eventbrite Registration
    Free event, we'll send you the Zoom-Link after registration - please register here

    Mia Mancini Mia Mancini Project Manager at Roots Radicals
    Mónica Kisic Aguirre Mónica Kisic Aguirre Chef, Scientist, Artist - Founder of Roots Radicals

    MONTH #5 - November

    Local Projects & Economic Sustainability

    19:30 - 21:00 Das Baumhaus

    Project Presentations: Economic Sustainability

    Join us for a series of short project presentations by a string of social, ecological and cultural local projects.

    Each speaker will share their project’s current state, learnings, needs, resources and strategies. Following the month's focus theme, we asked them to reflect on “economic sustainability” within their projects: Where are they at economically? What did they learn from the pandemic about economic sustainability? How can we step up our economic actions to combat climate change and accelerate positive transformation?

  • Circles: Freeing Markets from Capitalism - How to democratise that which we call the economy
  • Robinhood Store: How a supermarket can hack capitalism
  • LebensMittelPunkte: How we are co-creating a decentralized network of food hubs in Berlin

  • We’ll gather in Das Baumhaus. We’re looking forward to reconnecting, reflecting on and sharing our experiences and strategies.

    Note about Covid restrictions: As of October 2021, all EMB events will take place in Das Baumhaus where the 2-G rules apply. Hence, you must either be vaccinated or recovered to attend this talk.

    Eventbrite Registration (entrance is free) please register here

    Melanie Lachner Melanie Lachner Robinhood Store, Marketing & Community Events
    Julio Linares Julio Linares Economic Anthropologist, Co-Founder of Circles Coop
    Karen Wohlert Karen Wohlert Co-Founder Baumhaus Berlin
    19:30 - 21:00 Das Baumhaus

    The IKIGAI Framework: Economic Sustainability & Life's Deeper Questions

    The Japanese framework IKIGAI can help you find, sharpen and live your purpose. Financial security plays an important role in IKIGAI. Without sufficient financial means, important projects cannot be realized and one's own purpose cannot be lived to the fullest.

    In this practical and reflective workshop, we use the IKIGAI framework to find out more about our own possibilities for enhanced economic sustainability. IKIGAI is both easy to work with and the perfect tool for diving deeper into important life questions.

    Anna Hoffmann Anna Hoffmann Business Consultant & Serious Games Facilitator
    19:30 - 21:00 Das Baumhaus

    Teach-In: How to become part of the LebensMittelPunkte movement in Berlin

    LebensMittelPunkte (LMP) is a relatively new and rapidly growing movement in Berlin. We are building a network of food hubs throughout the city, where neighbors can come together to cook, eat and distribute healthy, regional and rescued food.

    Come learn more about LebensMittelPunkte and discover how you can get involved. Whether you’re interested in joining one of the 16 existing LMP initiatives in Berlin, eager to help with coordinating the network, or starting a LMP initiative in your own neighborhood, everyone is invited to contribute!

    Please note that the 2G rules apply in Das Baumhaus.

    Karen Wohlert Karen Wohlert Co-Founder Baumhaus Berlin
    19:30 - 21:00 Das Baumhaus

    Teach-In: The Future of Agricultural Land: From Private Ownership to Community Stewardship

    We all depend on land to live, and on agriculture to produce what we need. But our agricultural systems are in crisis – ecologically, socially, economically. One easy culprit is private land ownership: it is embedded in an economical system directed at profits, rather than holistic outcomes and relationships. (Yes, this sounds awfully familiar to housing struggles in Berlin and everywhere).

    In this co-created session, we’ll consider the promise of alternatives to land ownership, such as land trusts and collective models. Based on those, we’ll look for answers to questions such as:

    What does it mean to own land?
    What is land stewardship?
    How can communities contribute? And us city dwellers?

    Please note that to attend this workshop the 2G rules apply.

    Janna Ji Janna Ji Activist, Educator & Consultant
    19:30 - 21:00 Das Baumhaus

    Campfire Stories: How to run a crowdfunding campaign with Mónica Kisic Aguirre & Mia Mancini from Roots Radicals

    In this Campfire Story, you will meet Monica and Mia from Roots Radicals and learn about the story of their ongoing crowdfunding campaign.

    Starting with their circular cooking concept and mission, Monica and Mia will then steer the conversation towards why Roots decided to crowdfund and what the process of ideating and implementing the campaign looks like. They will point out the dos and don'ts as well as highs and lows, leaving you with a deep understanding of how to kickstart a crowdfunding campaign.

    The session will have an open format — a conversation between all participants with the intention of providing a space for exchange amongst local changemakers and Q&A on how to best run a crowdfunding campaign. The first and most important thing for a successful campaign is the crowd!

    #TakePart and support their campaign — you can choose a meaningful Christmas gift from their carefully developed rewards and support them on their mission to end food waste, taking part in a circular food system.

    Roots Radicals on Startnext
    Support the campaign here

    Eventbrite Registration
    Free event, we'll send you the Zoom-Link after registration - please register here

    Mia Mancini Mia Mancini Project Manager at Roots Radicals
    Mónica Kisic Aguirre Mónica Kisic Aguirre Chef, Scientist, Artist - Founder of Roots Radicals

    Local Projects & Social Sustainability

    19:30 - 21:00 Das Baumhaus

    Project Presentations: Social Sustainability

    Each speaker will share their project’s current state, learnings, needs, resources and strategies. Following the month's focus theme, we asked them to reflect on “social sustainability” within their projects: Where are they at socially? What did they learn from the pandemic about social sustainability? How can we step up our social actions to combat climate change and accelerate positive transformation?

  • Lobe Block: The challenges of running a building and developing a new food space that seeks to be more socially connected and looks towards helping tackle climate issues.
  • Aequa: How we are using mutual support and solidarity to build a world where everyone has a chance to thrive.
  • Torhaus: Torhaus was supposed to stand for a way of collective self-organizing that could be the starting point for new collective spaces in the airport: Where does this project stand now?

  • We’re looking forward to reconnecting, reflecting on and sharing our experiences and strategies.

    Please note: this is an online event (Zoom).

    Eventbrite Registration
    please register here

    Mona Saddei Mona Saddei Co-Founder Torhaus Berlin e.V., Sustainable Regional Manager (BA)
    Sarj Lynch Sarj Lynch Director & Co-Founder of Aequa
    Olivia Reynolds Olivia Reynolds Lobe Block Founder & Manager
    19:30 - 21:00 Das Baumhaus

    Teach-In: Knowing Me, Knowing You, Aha.... Better Social Collaboration through Basic Tools of Emotionmanagement

    Let’s not waste our energy on unnecessary conflict but use it to actively dream our visions into this world. Working as part of diverse groups of people it is easy to become entangled in our own as well as others’ emotional complexities…

    Add eco-anxiety, personal stress, and the pressure of additional challenges like bureaucracy or discrimination, it is no wonder how much energy it costs us to maintain our own mental health as well as healthy relationships with other people in our tribe.

    In this workshop I will share with you some basic knowledge and tools of emotion management so it will be easier for you to recognize what your inner bodyguards aka emotions are trying to tell you and how to take care of your needs. This self-knowledge will you gain more clarity and peace as well as help you to communicate with others in a more effective way.

    Additional note: Think about a social conflict you're dealing with right now and just bring it as an 'case study' for you to work on (no sharing with others necessary - just for you).

    Please note: this is an online event. We will send you the (Zoom)link after you register:

    Eventbrite Registration
    please register here

    Jesta Phoenix Jesta Phoenix Business Emotion Coach
    19:30 - 21:00 Baumhaus Zoom

    Closing Circle: Review & Outlook

    Join us on the Baumhaus Zoom for a cup of virtual tea—we’ll be reflecting on all that we’ve learned over the past six months and brainstorming ideas for next year’s festival.

    In the spirit of social sustainability, this is an opportunity for learnings to be shared and everyone’s voice to be heard. So whether you were a speaker or attendee at this year’s festival, we’re eager to hear from you.

    You can also just pop by and say HI. We’re always happy to see some familiar faces before we break for the year.

    Eventbrite Registration:
    Entrance is free, but seating is limited so please register here