Fabio Volkmann

Fabio Volkmann

Product Manager Climate Farmers

Already at a young age, Fabio felt the need to mitigate climate change actively. With this motivation, he studied renewable energies at the TU Berlin, dived into permaculture and engaged himself in voluntary projects. He supports Open Soil Atlas with a project managerial role and the co-facilitation of workshops. As a member of Open Soil Atlas and Climate Farmers (Reg. Ag. initiative) he strives for regeneration and a holistic mindset on a global scale.

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.”

All Sessions by Fabio Volkmann

Project Presentations 3. August 2021
19:30 - 21:00

Project Presentations: Ecological Sustainability

Panke Culture | Outdoor Area (Hof V, Gerichtstraße 23, 13347 Berlin)
Teach-In 10. August 2021
19:00 - 21:00

Teach-In: Learn How to Test Your Local Soil & Be Part of a Collective Berlin Mapping Experience

Panke Culture | Outdoor Area (Hof V, Gerichtstraße 23, 13347 Berlin)