Anne Nemack

Anne Nemack

Activist Klimaneustart Berlin

Anne works for the Independent Institute for Environmental Issues examining civil society participation in climate politics. She burns for different forms of engagement and transformative education as a means to achieving that great big social shift towards a sustainable future that is needed. She is also part of the Kipppunkt Kollektiv giving workshops on climate justice issues to a variety of people ranging from young people to company employees. As an activist of Klimaneustart Berlin she was involved to achieve a Citizen’s Assembly on Climate for Berlin and is currently working on a Volksbegehren for carbon neutrality in the city. "BE the solution."

All Sessions by Anne Nemack

Teach-In 17. August 2021
19:30 - 21:00

Teach-In: Mitmachen beim Klima-Volksbegehren Berlin 2030